Pre-purchase real estate services

Tax Code “Codice Fiscale”:
In collaboration with the client, Monoro organizes your Italian tax code, which is required for various processes involved in the property purchase.

Opening an Italian Bank Account:
Monoro arranges for you to open an Italian bank account with internet banking access. This ensures smooth payments and enables automatic direct debits for utility bills.

Mobile Number: In collaboration with the client, Monoro organizes an Italian SIM card. This is essential for setting up and managing internet banking, as well as for other communication needs.

Real Estate Market Overview: Before making a purchase, we provide a detailed overview of different Italian regions and areas. This helps you make informed decisions, understanding the unique features of properties, quality of life, and potential in various locations.

Financial Consultation: Monoro offers financial advice related to the purchasing process. This includes options for obtaining loans, tax rates, and other financial matters.

Consultation: Monoro provides a one-time free consultation.

Translation Services:
Monoro offers on-site, telephone, and written translation services to ensure smooth communication between all parties involved.

Business Consultation:
Monoro provides up to one hour of free online consultation for investors interested in purchasing investment properties.

Monoro offers these enhanced services prior to the property purchase, ensuring a smooth and well-prepared process from start to finish.

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